Tuesday, January 19, 2010

when you come to know that you dont know much....

...you work even harder... (after spend some time feeling sorry for yourself)

sat's workshop on AWS might have been a little daunting for people with no real background with web development (including me).  the aws lesson and start up guides are excellent in telling you the HOW aspect, but if you want to get a basic overview on WHAT is happening and WHY we are doing all this, you might want to take a look at a newb-friendly guide (the title says it all really). so you might want to check it out if you're still pretty lost on whats happening.

the advent of scrum/agile really isn't all that surprising.  after all, we are in a world where change is so rapid.  i think its a cool approach to doing things, not just big projects.  the software development lecture on a whole was enriching, interesting and funny.

on an unrelated note, i just felt inspired to talk about prof.

1) prof often says the exact same things many times.

2) prof loves to pick on people (of course, its all in the name of fun :) poor angad)
3) dont ever walk in on him teaching if you're not in prof class. well, if you do, you could always come back with a witty retort.
4) there is an inner army regular in prof that surfaces rather often. (especially in his speech)

anyway, back to the topic.  i especially enjoyed the sharing sessions.  just from their presentations, i could see how and why they were project lead, production managers or team leads.  i found myself sitting on the edge of my seat excitedly to be listening to their sharing on how work is like in those organizations.  too bad there wasn't time to ask more questions.

the past week was interesting.  for the first time, i got to REALLY try my hand at design.  i was awfully disgusted by my product.  i present my proud achievement:
( i'm sorry NUSSU SAVE.... i'm a proud tree killer, just like how i won't give up eating meat)

after this past week, i've come to know how much i don't know.  i may be from computing, but i think i might be easily one of those who know the least. and being surrounded in such knowledgeable company, is just like staring at the wide horizons and knowing how small i am compared to it.  and these people are probably only the tip of the iceburg.  i mean, sure, prof always says these are the best around in NUS, but there are definitely lots more talented people all around who didn't chose to take cs3216.

(which happens to be the EXACT same thing that prof ben said in his 1101s "last lecture"... though he din do any pushups)

also, my whole body is aching TERRIBLY from my physio sessions....to top everything up, my first assignment is not going as well as i hoped it would be, but i'm glad to have such experienced and cool team mates.

BUT i guess this presents an opportunity for me to learn from the wealth of experience and knowledge available around.  and i think the question is whether i can pick all these up fast enough.

so to sum up.... its been a terrible week....

...or not...

well, too bad life is not long enough to be mopping over your inadequacies.  i deeply apologise for the apparent gloom and doom phase i seem to portray.  the truth is, i'm not feeling particularly sad or anything. not that i have any time to.  but i think its important to have this self-awareness to conquer greater heights...


  1. too bad there wasn't time to ask more questions.

    Actually not. You can post your questions in the IVLE Forum and I will get them to answer your questions. :-)

    also, my whole body is aching TERRIBLY from my physio sessions....to top everything up, my first assignment is not going as well as i hoped it would be

    Remind me: who's the sucker for pain? :-P

  2. Remind me: who's the sucker for pain? :-P
    who's that? heh... how come you revealed it already.
    i'm ok with the pain except it interrupts other things cos i can't sit properly.

    Actually not. You can post your questions in the IVLE Forum and I will get them to answer your questions. :-)

    Thats awesome! Thank you :) But I have many many many questions.

  3. But I have many many many questions.

    That's fine with me. I'd just arrow my TA/Tutors to answer them. :-)

    1) prof often says the exact same things many times.

    Not like I want to sound like a broken record also, but the truth of the matter is that teaching is done by repetition. :-)

    You tell them you're going to tell them; you tell them; you tell them you told them. :-P

    2) prof loves to pick on people (of course, its all in the name of fun :) poor angad)

    Helps me remember names lah. Unfortunately, I already know yours - but I can pick on you next week if you want. ;-)

    4) there is an inner army regular in prof that surfaces rather often. (especially in his speech)

    Got meh? Where?
