Monday, August 30, 2010

i've never hated my own name as much before

a quick intro to my NM2208 friends!

i'm jon lew, from Communications and Media, School of Computing.  i took nm2208 in hope to explore my artistic side, a skill i've tried to hone through the hours of scribbling during lectures in a bid not to fall asleep.  in my free time, i run (a lot), but recently cut down on it cos i tore my knee ligament last year, and am still recovering from the surgery.  i like games, and i hope to make games in the future.

in the past week, i'm so glad that my life ambition was NOT an artist.  i spent hours and hours trying to come up with ways to put my name, and my intended themes together.  running and J didn't like each other. the main problem is that I was too fixated on using the whole silhouette of a runner, hence his 2 other irrelevant limbs and head often cause lots of problems.

the only half past decent idea i came up with for the running theme was to arrange runners and hurdlers for them to spell my name J.

hence, for my first critique, I had almost nothing to show. :(

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